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圣保罗书院A社区 & 技术学院


PSEO enables eligible Minnesota high school Sophomores, Juniors, 和老年人在公共场合, nonpublic, 或者在家庭学校参加大学课程,以获得高中和/或大学学分,以促进严格的学术追求,并提供更广泛的课程选择.

学生可以在秋季和/或春季学期参加兼职(11个或更少的学分)或全日制(12个以上学分). Tuition, fees, and required textbooks and materials are covered at no cost to the student.

申请截止日期 May 31 November 30
New & 转学生班级注册开始
Late March
Current Saint Paul College PSEO Student Class 登记 BeginsEarly March

需要考虑的事项 & mg电子试玩apppso的优势

  • Save money on higher education – PSEO covers required books/materials, tuition, and fees
  • Flexible scheduling – in-person or online classes, part- or full-time attendance options
  • 作为pso学生在SPC完成以下类型的学位,并在高中毕业后加入劳动力市场和/或继续攻读4年制学位
    • 证书(5-33学分)
    • 文凭(30-72学分)
    • 助理(60学分)
  • Transferability – students can transfer the credits earned at SPC to other institutions
  • 一对一的建议-学生可以与PSEO协调员会面,就每学期的课程和PSEO后的教育目标提出建议
  • 充分利用学院的服务来帮助你取得成功(参见侧面菜单中的mg电子试玩app信息)
  • Get involved on campus through our student clubs and associations

Interested in pursuing a major as a PSEO student? 浏览我们的 学术项目


在申请pso之前, students should speak with their high school Counselor, parents, or guardians and ensure you understand the following:

  • 大学学习节奏加快
    • PSEO students will need to be able to commit 2-3 hours of study time for every hour of class
  • PSEO students are responsible for balancing their high school, college, 以及个人责任
  • Successful PSEO students seek help and support when needed and have good time management skills
  • 经济责任
    • Although the PSEO program covers the cost of required tuition and textbooks, you may need to purchase other items not covered by PSEO funding. 非消耗性用品(在课程中未“用完”但保持完整的用品)由pso学生负责,可能包括但不限于设备, tools, 计算器, 或制服. Certain courses may have additional fees or certification exam expenses. 这些额外费用可能超出了PSEO项目的正常学费和费用范围,由PSEO学生负责.
    • Please be advised that while textbooks and some materials are covered, 任何未在截止日期前完好返回学院的,将由学生负责,学生将被收取费用. This bill must be paid out of pocket; it is not covered by the PSEO program.
  • PSEO学生负责与高中辅导员就高中相关问题进行沟通,与SPC的PSEO协调员就大学相关问题进行沟通
  • Transportation is not covered by the PSEO program, 学生应自行提供前往学院的交通工具(或参加在线课程)
    • Bus 21 stops near the Saint Paul College campus.



  • 2.高中平均绩点8+
  • 证明你在八年级MCA阅读测试中获得了“M-符合标准”或“E-超过标准”(850或更高).
    • 没有参加八年级MCA阅读考试的十年级学生应在提交申请时通过电子邮件通知PSEO工作人员,并可以参加mg电子试玩app的阅读/英语评估作为替代.


  • 2.高中平均绩点8+


  • 2.高中平均绩点8+

19-21-year-old high school students should follow the 12th grade criteria. 与你的高中辅导员一起完成并发送延长PSEO资格的验证文件,并完成剩余的入学步骤.

Students must meet the requirements and prerequisites for the course(s) they wish to enroll in.


我们鼓励学生在课程注册开始前提交完整的申请材料,以便有最多的课程选择. The closer to the PSEO application deadline students submit materials, 他们的课程选择就越少.

以PDF或Word格式提交文件至 PSEO@piamall.net. 学生可使用microsoftofficelens (App Store or Google Play) to convert images/photos to PDF and Word files then save them and attach them to an email. Please do not mail or submit applications in person at this time.


  1. 申请mg电子试玩app
  2. Complete the MDE PSEO Notice of Student 登记 & 图书合同表格
  3. Gather the following document(s) based on grade level
    • Sophomores
      • Email Official High School transcript showing cumulative unweighted GPA of 2.8或更大
      • Copy of 8th grade Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment scores showing passing Reading score (850+)
    • Juniors & Seniors
      • Email Official High School transcript showing cumulative unweighted GPA of 2.8或更大
  4. Email all required documents before the PSEO application deadline to PSEO@piamall.net

19-21 year old high school students follow the 12th grade criteria. 与你的高中辅导员一起完成并发送延长PSEO资格的验证文件,并完成剩余的入学步骤.



  • 被录取的申请人将通过电子邮件收到一封录取通知书,其中包含注册强制性PSEO培训的链接
    • 被录取的学生在接受邮件的截止日期前未参加PSEO培训,将不能参加PSEO
  • Denied applicants may re-apply for the following semester if they are still enrolled in high
  • Accepted students will transition into the PSEO program by completing the following:
    • 注册课程
      • First speak with your high school Counselor regarding graduation requirements
    • Activate Saint Paul College email (official means of communication with PSEO students)
    • 订购所需书籍/资料
    • 参加pso培训
    • 获取mg电子试玩appID
    • Complete the Sexual Violence Prevention Training (via D2L)


PSEO students are held to the same policies as undergraduate college students.


  • 2.0累积绩点
  • 成功完成66.67% of cumulative attempted credits with earned grades of A, B, C, D, P, or AU

如果不满足这些要求, students will be put on academic warning or in some cases suspended. If the cumulative GPA or completion rate falls below minimum standards for a second term, 该学生可被学院停学.

PSEO students not in good academic standing (such as those on academic warning, suspension, (或试用期)只能在mg电子试玩appPSEO工作人员的批准下注册传统的PSEO.


目前的PSEO学生必须每学期完成申请包,他们想在mg电子试玩app学习PSEO课程. 这些表格必须通过电子邮件发送到PSEO@piamall.net and processed before a PSEO student can register for the following term. Allow 5-10 business days for forms to be processed before the student can register. 请检查您的mg电子试玩app的电子邮件更新.

任何需要一个或多个学期的当前PSEO学生将根据当前的PSEO资格要求重新评估是否进入PSEO计划. 19-21-year-old high school students follow the 12th grade criteria. 与你的高中辅导员一起完成并发送延长PSEO资格的验证文件,并完成剩余的入学步骤.


Continue with Saint Paul College through one of the options below:

Finish a 4-year degree through one of our Articulation Agreements. mg电子试玩app与四年制学院或大学之间的协议规定,特定技术文凭或学位的全部或部分学分将被接受用于指定的四年制学位课程/学习专业.



  • Visit munhhh.piamall.net
  • 点击“学生登录”下的“esservices”
  • 使用Star ID和密码登录
  • Select Academic Records from the left side menu
  • Under Academic Records, select 非官方的成绩单
  • Select chronological and hit "Get Academic Record"
  • 查看并打印您的非正式成绩单


Parent & 《MG免费游戏试玩平台》的资源


Once high school students apply to the PSEO program they are protected under college, state, 以及联邦数据隐私政策和法律.

1974年的《MG免费游戏试玩平台》(FERPA)赋予学生审查记录的权利, files, and other documents containing information about the student, 哪一所mg电子试玩app维持.

学生可以授权mg电子试玩app向他们选择的个人发布私人信息,或允许他们通过填写 发布资讯电子化表格. Forms submitted by anyone other than the student will not be accepted.

Please direct any questions about this information to PSEO@piamall.net.

Visit Apply 请求的信息