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Saint Paul College A Community & Technical College

Public Safety

公共安全办公室是校园社区不可分割的一部分,是我们校园的积极存在. 该部门的所有成员都力求对所有人的需求敏感,同时保护校园社区的权利和财产.

公共安全部门将提供某些非紧急服务,作为其职责的一部分. 如果发生紧急情况,请求的任何非紧急服务可能不会立即得到响应.


公共安全部门为校园社区提供一系列服务,可以拨打651联系.846.1322 or in person by stopping by the 1st floor information desk, located next to Admissions & Financial Aid Office. Services include, but are not limited to:

  • Safe Walk Escorts
  • Vehicle Jump-Starts
  • Vehicle Lock-Out Assistance
  • Medical/First Aid Assistance
  • Room Unlock/Lock
  • Key/Card Access Activation
  • Criminal Incident Investigation
  • Campus Incident Reporting Management
  • Lost/Found Property Management
  • Safety Seminars and Personal Safety Training
  • Harassment/Order for Protection Assistance
  • State Vehicle Use Authorization
  • Off-Campus Resource Referrals
  • Campus Offices and Directional Information

Saint Paul College is committed to providing a learning environment free from violence, harassment and discrimination.

If you have experienced sexual or relationship violence, stalking, or sexual harassment what happened is not your fault. Sexual or relationship violence, stalking, or sexual harassment can happen to you regardless of your gender, race, age, class, or sexual orientation. You always deserve to be safe and respected. You may be experiencing a wide range of feelings, which are all valid.

For more information visit:

Child Abuse and Neglect

Reports of abuse or neglect of a child or vulnerable adult, where the individual is not in immediate danger, must be made to law enforcement or state or county social service agencies. Further information about mandated reporting of abuse or neglect of children is available at:

Who is required to report abuse or neglect of children or vulnerable adults?
Minnesota law provides special protection for children under 18 and vulnerable adults. These laws, Minnesota Statutes sections 626.556 and 626.557, identify those who are mandated to report neglect or abuse of children under 18 and maltreatment of vulnerable adults; further information about reporting requirements is available at the links noted above.

  • Faculty, student teachers or clinical participants, day care personnel, 根据这两项法律,其他涉及教育或为儿童或弱势成年人提供服务的人可能被视为强制记者.
Timely Warnings

公共安全部门由学院授权维护校园内所有犯罪活动的准确执法记录, near campus, or involving the college community.

公共安全部门与学生发展和服务副院长有着密切的工作关系, Student Life, Human Resources, other College departments, and campus security authorities. 公共安全部门与这些报告机构密切合作,确保及时报告犯罪信息,同时保持或扩大机密性(法律或学院政策要求除外)。.

In order to make timely warnings to the Saint Paul College community, it is important for all faculty, staff, students, 和访客在发生犯罪时通知公共安全部和有关当局.

学校采取多种措施,及时向校园社区通报犯罪和可疑活动, personal safety issues, and other crime-related concerns on campus and in the neighboring community. 及时分享信息可以教育校园社区,并有助于预防类似事件的发生. For these reasons, 公共安全部和学院超出了珍妮·克莱里披露校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计法案(20 USC§1092(f))中规定的报告要求。. 公共安全部不断分享额外的安全和安全信息. For the latest and most up-to-date information on timely warnings, students, faculty, staff, and visitors should watch for Department of Public Safety postings throughout campus, as well as postings, warnings, and information distributed through broadcast emails.

这些帖子描述了犯罪或安全问题,并向大学社区征求有关报告事件的信息. They also share important crime prevention tips, ways to report crime, and phone numbers to use to share information.

There are three different types of postings:

Public Safety Bulletins
公共安全公告用蓝皮书印刷,概述了教育学生的关注主题, faculty, and staff on the environment in which they live and work. 这些贴文强调犯罪意识和预防,并贴在校园周围,以警告学生, employees, and guests of situations in which the college community may be vulnerable. Examples of incidents calling for Public Safety bulletins are thefts, fraudulent activity, or dangerous conditions.

Public Safety Advisories
公共安全公告被印在黄色的纸上,描述了校园内外对大学社区很重要的犯罪行为. While not as critical as the incidents described in Public Safety alerts, advisories pose significant concern for the safety and well-being of students, faculty, staff, and guests.

Public Safety Alerts
公共安全警报印在红纸上,描述最严重的情况或事件. Alerts can include incidents such as robberies, burglaries, multiple thefts on campus, or aggravated assaults.

Students, faculty, staff and visitors should watch for Public Safety bulletins, advisories and alerts posted in campus buildings and distributed via emails throughout the year. The safety of the college community depends on each person staying informed.

Campus Security Report

根据珍妮克莱里披露校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计法案, Saint Paul College monitors criminal activity and publishes an annual report, 在mg电子试玩app校园和学院或认可的学院组织使用的校外设施中保持三年的统计历史.

Security Report Documents

The College will provide a paper copy upon request. To request a paper copy, please call 651.846.1322 or stop by the Public Safety Department front desk.

Level 3 Sex Offender Notification

The Federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, effective October 28, 2002, 要求高等教育机构发布一份声明,告知校园社区,在哪里可以获得州提供的关于登记在案的性犯罪者的执法机构信息. 它还要求已经被要求在一个州登记的性犯罪者提供其所在州的每个高等教育机构的通知, carries on a vocation, or is a student.

明尼苏达州刑事逮捕局管理着一个掠夺性罪犯登记和追踪项目. Any questions regarding the program may be directed to the Predatory Offender Unit at 888.234.1248 or 651.793.7070. Information regarding this program can be found at the following website:

有关已登记的性犯罪者的资料,可透过圣保罗警察局(SPPD)取得。. The SPPD may be contacted at 651.266.5685. 有关登记规定及通知程序的一般资料,可浏览以下网页:

In addition, 有关登记在册的性犯罪者的信息可以通过明尼苏达州惩教部651获得.642.0200. An offender locator, for offenders that have the highest risk for re-offense, can be accessed from the Minnesota Department of Corrections website:

Public Crime Log
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

In compliance with MS4 General Permit, see Saint Paul College's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for public comment. Send your comments via e-mail to Thomas Bergs.

2012 MS4 Annual Report

Hazardous Waste License

Saint Paul College is licensed as a Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator

View Hazardous Waste Generator License

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